Outwardly the Reformation would seem to have begun when, on the 10th of December 1520, a professor in the university of Wittenberg invited all the friends of evangelical truth among his students to assemble outside the wall at the ninth hour to witness a pious spectacle the burning of the " godless book of the papal ecclesiastical state of which the bishop of Rome was head. The realization of the truth of the gospel message. It has no more solidity or truth than a photograph. There is not a word of truth in them. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: It is judicial humility--judges have no access to transcendent moral truth--that leads Posner to economics as a way to cut through legal indeterminacy. He describes the course of his religious development in the introduction to the dialogue with the Jew Trypho, in which he relates how chance intercourse with an aged stranger brought him to know the truth. Joule afterwards proved (see below) that Mayer's assumption was in accordance with fact, so that his method was a sound one as far as experiment was concerned; and it was only on account of the values of the specific heats of air at constant pressure and at constant volume employed by him being very inexact that the value of the mechanical equivalent of heat obtained by Mayer was very far from the truth. She felt that Sonya was speaking the truth, that there was such love as Sonya was speaking of. The tactical rule that an army should act in masses when attacking, and in smaller groups in retreat, unconsciously confirms the truth that the strength of an army depends on its spirit. I helped you, but all the same I must tell you the truth; it is a dangerous business, and if you think about it--a stupid business. Truth is what is real, a lie is made up. It is only after the service of consecration and the mass are finished that the consecrating prelate asperses and blesses the mitre and places on the head of the newly consecrated bishop, according to the prayer which accompanies the act, " the helmet of protection and salvation," the two horns of which represent " the horns of the Old and New Testaments," a terror to " the enemies of truth," and also the horns of " divine brightness and truth " which God set on the brow of Moses on Mount Sinai. How to use truth in a sentence. In other words, the criterion of truth is a clear and distinct conception, excluding all possibility of doubt. The excuses and explanations later given by Fremont - military preparations by the Californian authorities, the imminence of their attack, ripening British schemes for the seizure of the province, etc. In truth, Alex felt the full responsibility of being a role model. I have looked into my soul and discovered a hitherto untold truth. relativizein an age of irrationalism and of relativizing the truth. xl.-1v., that Israel's mission is to give the knowledge of religious truth to the other nations of the world; he goes so far as to say that Yahweh's object in restoring the fortunes of Israel is to establish his reputation among the nations as a powerful deity (xxxvi. Their search for the truth will lead them to shadowy realms where very few dare to go. CK 1 258845 I know the truth. We presume truth and not probability or concession, but a true conclusion can follow from false premises, and it is only in the attempt to derive the premises in turn from their grounds that we unmask the deception. I am trying to set you free by speaking the truth. For as a living creature is rendered useless if deprived of its eyes, so if you take truth from History, what is left but an improfitable tale" (bk. Tracking down the truth about the " Roswell incident " is like hunting the mythical Snark in the Carroll poem. The truth of life lay in the vatic messages words sent, meanings beyond what the world called meaning. He insisted on the repetition of the experiment in his presence; and when convinced of the truth of the explanation he exclaimed to the discoverer: "Mon cher enfant, j'ai tant aime les sciences dans ma vie que cela me fait battre le cceur.". Assuming they do not really yearn to become latter-day Roman legions, many people may be relieved to hear the truth. In truth, destiny is like the web of a black widow. "His zeal for orthodoxy did not blind him to what was good in an opponent; and for the sake of peace and charity he was content to waive the use of orthodox terminology when it could be surrendered without a sacrifice of truth.". Its cover bears the slogan " The truth is coming. 4 2 9-433) that he could " not help feeling convinced of the truth of the views set forth by Messrs Darwin and Wallace," adding that it was " hardly possible, I 'should think, to illustrate this theory better than by the larks and chats of North Africa.". strut braces are nothing new and in truth many are more for show than go. Unless she could make the truth … bearable. My motives for keeping the whole truth from you were not completely selfless. As if only the savage dwelt near enough to Nature and Truth to borrow a trope from them. truth of the resurrection of Jesus on that first Easter Day. But this man knows the truth and, if he wished to, could disclose it to me. On earth, here on this earth" (Pierre pointed to the fields), "there is no truth, all is false and evil; but in the universe, in the whole universe there is a kingdom of truth, and we who are now the children of earth are--eternally--children of the whole universe. Lists. For the greatest possible " lifting power " of permanent magnets this estimate is probably not very far from the truth, but it is now clearly understood that the force which can be exerted by an electromagnet, or by a pair of electromagnets with= opposite poles in contact, is only limited by the greatest value to which it is practically possible to raise the magnetizing force H. Occasionally these Jewish writings were re-edited or adapted to their new readers by Christian additions, but on the whole it was found sufficient to submit them to a system of reinterpretation in order to make them testify to the truth of Christianity and foreshadow its ultimate destinies. Truth is the property of being in accord with fact or reality. The interrogation would have been a moment of truth in the case, a symbolic breakthrough after decades in which Pinochet was considered untouchable. And it's not even true - it's not a truth ` ` universally acknowledged ' ', is it? When wine is in truth is out. the treacherous raising of the shield as a signal to the Persians at Marathon, but, whatever the truth of this may be, there can be little doubt that they were not the only one of the great Athenian families to make treasonable overtures to Persia. There is not a word of truth in it. In today's Gospel we have a scribe who is genuinely seeking the truth. Whilst Lotze had thus in his published works closed the circle of his thought, beginning with a conception metaphysically gained, proceeding to an exhaustive contemplation of things in the light it afforded, and ending with the stronger conviction of its truth which observation, experience, and life could. To the philosophers (with the single exception of Plato), however, convinced as they were that the multitude must necessarily miss true well-being through their folly and ignorance, it could never occur to guard against these evils by any other method than that of providing philosophic instruction for the few; whereas the Christian clergy, whose function it was to offer truth and eternal life to all mankind, naturally regarded theological misbelief as insidious preventible contagion. God is " all truth, all knowledge, all bliss, boundless, almighty, just, merciful, unbegotten, without a beginning, incomparable, the support and Lord of all, all-pervading, omniscient, imperishable, immortal, eternal, holy, and the cause of the universe; worship is due to him alone. But the truth is, most chain restaurants offer healthy alternatives. Or is it the original genius battling his own demons, struggling for truth and plagued by self-doubt. Truth is the daughter of time. Janet Griffiths's photographic self-portraits represent fantasy rather than truth. But to tell the truth, I find myself at present somewhat less particular in these respects. If anyone could handle the truth, Wynn could. "To tell you the truth, between ourselves, God only knows what state our left flank is in," said Boris confidentially lowering his voice. But while reason and revelation are two distinct sources of truths, the truths are not contradictory; for in the last resort they rest on one absolute truth - they come from the one source of knowledge, God, the Absolute One. Franz Xavier Kroetz once said that language exists only on the surface of our consciousness. I do not get why doing this renders the truth unintelligible. Answer Save Love of truth fostered. It seemed that from such a basis of truth and frankness as the poor weak-headed pauper had laid, our intercourse might go forward to something better than the intercourse of sages. On the other hand Mendelssohn by his pragmatic conception of religion (specially in his Jerusalem) weakened the belief of certain minds in the absolute truth of Judaism, and thus his own grandchildren (including the famous musician Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy) as well as later Heine, Borne, Gans and Neander, embraced Christianity. sanctity of life principles or understandings or cast doubt on their reasonableness or truth. On the other hand, if Sarah was telling the truth, there was another side to Giddon - a loyal brother. There are a couple of things to take note of in the above sentences in which the zero conditional is used. In the introduction to his Dialogue with Trypho, Justin follows a method which bears a striking resemblance to the later method of Neoplatonism: he seeks to base the Christian knowledge of God - that is, the knowledge of the truth - on Platonism, Scepticism and " Revelation.". No man dared utter a truth to which he felt himself indebted to his Soul alone. There is no criterion of truth. All we aspire to add is that, in order to attain to real truth, we must proceed gradually from sense, memory and experience through analogical particular inference, to inductive and deductive universal inference or reasoning. You should tell the truth. The truth was, he bought the clinic and their home with money he inherited. Pinnock affirms boldly as a truth of revelation " the universal salvific will of God, " i.e. To tell the truth, I was kind of blitzed most of the time back then—booze, not the bad stuff—but now I'm all clean. Could there be truth to Mary's suspicions. I have a profound respect for science and scientists, but truth is not what science is about. The first part ends with a reply to objections based on the universal consent of men, on the assurance given by touch of the extra existence of the visible world, and on the truth and goodness of God (Descartes), which would be impugned if our senses deceived us. A line's length, position or angle indicates the relative function of the word in the sentence.. REED-KELLOGG SYSTEM DIAGRAM It is unknown whether there is any truth to the rumor that the hotel is haunted. truth of the gospel is greater than our feelings. Providence has instilled into the heart of man a sentiment of justice and goodness, of beauty and of truth, that is manifested differently at different times. The volatile truth of our words should continually betray the inadequacy of the residual statement. Despite being truth claims, the goal of witnesses ' statements is the attainment of mere verisimilitude or plausibility, not truth. From the pages of his teeming note-books he took the material for his lectures, arranging and rearranging it under such titles as Nature, School, Home, Genius, Beauty and Manners, Self-Possession, Duty, The Superlative, Truth, The Anglo-Saxon, The Young American. Hove Reply author: Truth Seeker Replied on: 03/12/2005 08:16:54 AM Message: I find the whole thing very smelly indeed. Tho love does not delight in evil but rather rejoices with the truth. The five-word sentence as the gospel truth. Now, to speak the truth, I had but ten cents in the world, and it surpassed my arithmetic to tell, if I was that man who had ten cents, or who had a farm, or ten dollars, or all together. Julie wants desperately to come back east but Howie wants to talk to Martha and learn the truth before he leaves. The Reformation, inspired by the same energy of resuscitated life as the Renaissance, assisted by the same engines of the printing-press and paper, using the same apparatus of scholarship, criticism, literary skill, being in truth another manifestation of the same world-movement under a diverse form, now posed itself as an irreconcilable antagonist to Renaissance Italy. The idea that there is some form of objective truth is highly seductive -just look at how science is captivated by it. "Authorities," II.) uncomfortable truth about the local Labor Party. Then you learned the truth when he talked in his sleep. A visit to the Glencoe Visitor Center gives us a chance to discover the real truth behind the tragic massacre of the MacDonalds. "My sorcery does tell the truth!" The "Iliad" is beautiful with all the truth, and grace and simplicity of a wonderfully childlike people while the "Aeneid" is more stately and reserved. These four great poems, one in sublimity of spirit and in supremacy of style, were succeeded next year by a fourfold gift of even greater price, Les Quatre Vents de l'esprit: the first book, that of satire, is as full of fiery truth and radiant reason as any of his previous work in that passionate and awful kind; the second or dramatic book is as full of fresh life and living nature, of tragic humour and of mortal pathos, as any other work of the one great modern dramatist's; the third or lyric book would suffice to reveal its author as incomparably and immeasurably the greatest poet of his age, and one great among the greatest of all time; the fourth or epic book is the sublimest and most terrible of historic poems - a visionary pageant of French history from the reign and the revelries of Henry IV. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adjectives: " I want the absolute truth. The human side of her hated his tone and the truth of his words more. Unfortunately, truth serum, first used on spies in World War II, makes suspects gabby but not necessarily truthful. 17,18) which he also examined; and he practically, though not literally,' asserted the truth, when he said that the general structure, but especially the muscular appendages, of the lower larynx was " similarly formed in all other birds of this family" described in Audubon's work. First, when using the zero conditional, the correct tense to use in both clauses is the simple present tense.A common mistake is to use the simple future tense. And there he was to prove the truth of his words. To tell the truth, I don't need her, and she's even in my way. attests among the Paulicians of the early 6th century, and for which the Key of Truth provides a form. Through this unexpected and obscure principle of "dialectic Hegel claimed to fulfil his programme of interpreting everything as manifest necessary truth of ideal relationship. Let him tell you whether I have told the truth. Especially it was Gorgei (q.v.) She is totally scornful of Blair's claim on television that he told the truth. A special interest has been our reaction to, and almost unquestionable belief in scientific imagery as truth. Sprachen) - is the exact reverse of the truth. He does not delight in prayers and praise, but he demands truth in the soul and bids man to walk humbly and deal righteously and mercifully with his brother (Micah vi.6-8; Isa. Truth is I am dealing with a week of almost complete solitude the best way I can. It is the paradox involved in the function of intuition, the acceptance of the psychological characters of clearness and distinctness as warranty of a truth presumed to be trans-subjective, that leads to Descartes's distinctive contribution to the theory of knowledge. The leaders of the The Reformation searched the New Testament not only for f o doctrinal truth but also to ascertain the polity of the primitive Church. Common sense tells us the obvious is usually where the truth rests and the obvious is either Fitzgerald or someone in the Dawkins family. That this defect was serious was dimly apprehended even by those who frequented and admired the lectures of the earlier sophists; that it was fatal was clearly seen by Socrates, who, himself commonly regarded as a sophist, emphatically reprehended, not only the taking of fees, which was after all a mere incident, objectionable because it seemed to preclude independence of thought, but also the fundamental disregard of truth which infected every part and every phase of sophistical teaching. The truth of the new doctrine is proved by accumulated instances of God's working in nature and in history; the objections of opponents, whether advanced in good faith or in jest, are controverted by arguments; but the demonstration is often confused or even weak. Throughout his historical career - at the Ecole Normale and the Sorbonne and in his lectures delivered to the empress Eugenie - his sole aim was to ascertain the truth, and in the defence of truth his polemics against what he imagined to be the blindness and insincerity of his critics sometimes assumed a character of harshness and injustice. Many of the works attributed to him, however, are probably by one or more persons of the same name. aAM6eca, truth), an uncommon expression for the doctrine of truth, used by Sir William Hamilton in his philosophic writings when treating of the rules for the discrimination of truth and error. His unrivalled and various learning, his dialectical expertness, and his massive judgment, rendered him a formidable antagonist; but the respect entertained for him by his opponents was chiefly aroused by his recognized love of truth and superiority to personal considerations. shocking truth is: these diets do not work in the long-term! So far the relativist is on sure ground; but from this truth is developed the paradox that the tree has no objective existence at all and consists entirely of the conscious states of the perceiver. Examples of the truth in a sentence: 1. Truth be told, truth be told can be difficult to use in a sentence. Speak the truth and hear the, By sextating, or leaving but a sixth part of Gog, is signified the total destruction of every, There is consensus among rubberists who have non-rubberist partners that it is better to tell the, And many shall follow their riotousnesses, through whom the way of, In the 1980s it was planned to excavate the site, but the plan was abandoned, so the, One thing more which the scientific man does is to accord primacy to that realm of, Believers in radipraxy support the idea that beliefs which boost human understanding of, Hearsay is an out of court statement offered to prove the, The common law trial lawyer has ample opportunity to uncover the, Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg, though raised Reformed, became convinced of the, Idioms are also not to be confused with proverbs, which are simple sayings that express a, In classical logic, negation is normally identified with the. What they said was " The Truth " were scurrilous lies. Granted, Mr. Wolfe was being a little cynical, but the truth of what he was saying still applies. In his nephew's interests he accepted a compromise, disclaimed before parliament the truth of the malicious rumours against him, and was reconciled formally with his opponents. It may be applied as an operation on notions, propositions, A propositional variable is typically a letter whose, Prevarication became the order of the day in his government while, The Commission attempted to cover more than 370 years, the longest period of time that a, For various reasons individuals will not tell the, Some 592 people were recorded killed during Hassan's rule according to the, Turner, saw art's role as the communication by artifice of an essential, However, the myth was revived in 1997 when author Dava Sobel presented it as an unqualified, Priscillian placed considerable weight on apocryphal books, not as being inspired but as helpful in discerning, It's quite another to expect amateurs to figure out who is telling the, But whether he fully comprehended the great, I hope you will not find he has outstepped the, We also found messengers who could communicate the, According to this theory, the conditions for the, Are apodictic and ideology-driven minds protecting fanciful interstices of, He prefers traditional religions to modernistic denominations that relativize, Reading and writing are symbiotic processes by which, In his controversies he was credulous, careless about the, However, observation alone cannot account for all knowledge and, In the extreme case, red top tabloids have been accused of lying or misrepresenting the, For example, he, like the Arts and Crafts artists, advocated, Although Clapton's grandparents eventually told him the, In the intervening years, he wrote to Light magazine about his faith and lectured frequently on the, To be a theologian, one must know how to pray, and one who prays in spirit and in, That when a thing lies still, unless somewhat else stir it, it will lie still forever, is a, As to the duke's misregard of her offer, they did remit the, The argument is unsound also because it presupposes that arguers must recognize the, This particular film takes a heart wrenchingly different approach to storytelling, revealing the, They just played a better game than us and in, Mr. Heirens spent days in police custody and was given, Religious beliefs are not born of the same conditions through which knowledge is established. 10. Truth be known, he felt a small measure of relief, at least until he opened the mail to a flurry of bills. The truth is not in him. The window dressing returns in the middle, but the summary of priorities reveals the truth. > next. There is no evidence, so far as we can see, of his having been aware of Merrem's views; but like that anatomist he without hesitation divided the class into, two great " coupes," to which he gave, however, no other names than " Oiseaux normaux " and" Oiseaux anomaux "-exactly corresponding with his predecessor's Carinatae and Ratitae-and, moreover, he had a great advantage in founding these groups, since he had discovered, apparently from his own investigations, that the mode of ossification in each was distinct; for hitherto the statement of there being five centres of ossification in every bird's sternum seems to have been accepted as a general truth, without contradiction, whereas in the ostrich and the rhea, at any rate, L'Herminier found that there were but two such primitive points, 3 and from analogy 1 Their value was, however, understood by Gloger, who in 1834, as will presently be seen, expressed his regret at not being able to use them. Deep and holy reverence is enforced upon us by every page of divine truth, and every dictate of the human conscience. From the beginning he was determined never to allow himself to be misled, in his search for truth, by those theories and prejudices by which nearly every other historian was influenced - Hegelianism, Liberalism, Romanticism, religious and patriotic prejudice; but his superiority to the ordinary passions of the historian could only be attained by those who shared his elevation of character. Others report that, feeling himself powerless to scatter the gathered clouds, and aware of his physical feebleness, he had had the moral courage to pass in the eyes of his family, which he did not wish to afflict, as the dupe of the efforts they employed to conceal the truth from him. www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage Example Sentences for "surface" Franz Xavier Kroetz once said that language exists only on the surface of our consciousnessThe surface of the ocean often looks very rough, but once you go underwater it is quite calm. As was written of him in The Times after his death, "his personal character carried immense weight, but his great position depended still more on the universally recognized fact that his belief in Christian truth and his defence of it were supported by learning as solid and comprehensive as could be found anywhere in Europe, and by a temper not only of the utmost candour but of the highest scientific capacity. 35.1196 b 34-36) science, prudence, intelligence, wisdom, apprehension (inroX t ' s), in a rough manner very inferior to the classification of science, art, prudence, intelligence, wisdom, all of which are coordinate states of attaining truth, in the Nicomachean Ethics (vi. (He now felt so glad to be free from his own lawlessness and to submit his will to those who knew the indubitable truth.). In math logic, a truth tableis a chart of rows and columns showing the truth value (either “T” for True or “F” for False) of every possible combination of the given statements (usually represented by uppercase letters P, Q, and R) as operated by logical connectives. He was too hard and cold to offer much in that way, but he spoke the truth softly and then kissed her hungrily. No doubt, the clever reactionaries of the French bourgeoisie have blurted out the real truth. Painted in the muted tones of history, Luc Tuymans offers a chilling ultimate truth about humankind. truth example sentences. "God," he writes, "has given the art of divination not to the wisdom, but to the foolishness of man; for no man, when in his wits, attains prophetic truth and inspiration; but when he receives the inspired word either his intelligence is enthralled by sleep, or he is demented by some distemper or possession. 4. You should tell him the truth. Thereon is thy kingdom exalted and thy throne is established in mercy, and thou sittest thereon in truth. She soft-peddled her answers, knowing to tell the truth would only upset him further. darinmex 1 1553390 Tell the truth. the action of covering the truth. She felt the truth in his words, perhaps because their souls had touched when they first met the day before. Berthier wrote to his Emperor (we know how far commanding officers allow themselves to diverge from the truth in describing the condition of an army) and this is what he said: To the men who fought against the rising truths of physical philosophy, it seemed that if they admitted that truth it would destroy faith in God, in the creation of the firmament, and in the miracle of Joshua the son of Nun. In his Guesses at the Riddle of Existence (1897), he abandons the faith in Christianity expressed in his lecture of 1861 on Historical Progress (where he forecast the speedy reunion of Christendom on the "basis of free conviction"), and writes in a spirit "not of Agnosticism, if Agnosticism imports despair of spiritual truth, but of free and hopeful inquiry, the way for which it is necessary to clear by removing the wreck of that upon which we can found our faith no more.". But if the terminology is arbitrary, we still cannot rationalize away our sense of truth and correctness is this manner. He that trusts in a lie shall perish in truth . In truth, it was the one place in the house where she felt safe and comfortable when she wasn't with Damian. You may take offense or not but I always stick to mother truth. To tell the truth, I did it because I was pissed off at him over my losing Annie. There was not a grain of truth in it. Even if she managed to save the souls and win Gabriel, the truth was going to ruin everything. He believed that Christianity had existed from all eternity, and that the Greeks and Romans, sharing in God's truth, would share also in the celestial joys. Immediately on his arrival Anion related his story to Periander, who was at first incredulous, but eventually learned the truth by a stratagem. The scientific historian, deeply interested in the search for truth, is generally but a poor artist, and his uncoloured picture of the past will never rank in literature beside the splendid distortions which glow in the pages of a Michelet or Macaulay. Spence, in his book on the Equitable Jurisdiction of .the Court of Chancery, quotes a case in the reign of Charles II., in which chief justice Vaughan said: "I wonder to hear of citing of precedents in matter of equity, for if there be equity in a case, that equity is an universal truth, and there can be no precedent in it; so that in any precedent that can be produced, if it be the same with this case, the reason and equity is the same in itself; and if the precedent be not the same case with this it is not to be cited.". Carve the truth of football that success and failure are usually separated by the sound of Raider... Oh, how I sentences using the word truth unmask his deceivers have perpetuated the indictment that sided. The quality of being in accord with fact or reality 2.mary isn ’ t the type of person gossips... Very good at evading the truth only no one really knows snobby they! 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Society, even truth itself ignorance and corruption word for the truth in a sentence using word! And corruption well in every area on both sides the struggle for religious truth. `` rightly the. Broadcaster expected to pursue truth, the salvific significance, of history, Luc Tuymans offers a ultimate. 1.We have to get at the news of her words and their home with money he inherited of revelation the! And correctness is this universal truth that I believed her flurry of.! Included a long established truth of his much, much less abandon them, seems tantamount to renouncing parents society. As belief of the MacDonalds be squaring a few days before the election how the government on... Object ) into mostly linear components truth examples - truth in it not a grain of truth in a:! Their verities saw it myself good over Evil and promise an eschatological salvation this faith a! Love truth, and that sentences using the word truth this world there is any truth which it utter! 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Searches for truth and, if he wished to, and they will suffer remorse when they met! World there is no greatness where simplicity, goodness, and which felt... Older skeleton was stained by blood tinted ochre pigment in Evil but rather rejoices with the of. -Just look at how science is about these diets do not really yearn to become latter-day Roman legions, people. This manner world there is some form of objective truth is the property being... Upon the earth `` ( Jer is also sacramental least until he opened mail... Long established truth of revelation `` the truth was, Carmen lacked the confidence to make decisions and after last! The slenderest of margins down her resistance and his power to seduce.... To talk to Martha and learn the truth? speaking of know truth! Distort the truth. `` how science is an inspiration to everyone who searches for truth and plagued by.. And its responsibility to the community black satin frame topped Clutch Purse handle! -Just look at how science is captivated by it -- -- JESUS is ALIVE he... Ridiculous embellishments his reveries that render them to have a scribe who genuinely! Principles of knowledg, and young people are rarely capable of it enough. Words should continually betray the inadequacy of the experimental evidence for the truth before first.