Just make sure you don’t overdo this, and remember that the best way to get your orchid to flower is to give it the best all-round care. Oncidium (say “on-SID-ee-um”) orchids are New World orchids, found in South and Central America and the West Indies, with one species in South Florida. To do this, carefully remove your orchid from its pot. After repotting, it’s important to give them enough water to ensure proper growth of the roots. Nov 26, 2016 - I remember someone who said to me that she hated to grow cymbidium orchids because they needed to be repotted and divided after the plants had been filling all the room in the pot. Because they have relatively fine roots, don’t use a very coarse mix as you would for a Phalaenopsis – go for a medium-grade mix instead. How often it needs to be done depends on the plant, but generally, they should only be repotted once every two years. Too much direct light can cause sunburn. If you’d like to download this as a handy cheat sheet, right-click the image below and select “Save Image”: We recommend printing it off and keeping it by your orchid. Cut into divisions, with very hot shears or knife, then place a dab of fungicide ( Dithane M45 or Captan 50% WP ) paste over the cut areas of each division. Since propagation is an asexual means of reproduction, this plant will be a direct clone of the parent plant and will have all of the same features and characteristics. Oncidium (14) Other (16) Phalaenopsis (20) Slipper Orchids (14) Recent Orchid Articles. so today i'm repotting an oncidium alliance that's finished flowering - the spike has gone brown and papery. from 50-60F and 70-80F during the day. Dividing orchids during the repotting process makes it easy to separate them, and you can wrap divisions loosely in moist paper towels to transport them to a … As a general rule, monopodial orchids will not need dividing. We also recommend Oncidium flexuosum, which requires less watering and fertilizer than most other species. Many large cymbidium orchids are too dense and strong to divide with your hands. … Make sure the water isn’t too cold or hot, as this can damage the roots. However, it’s important to maintain good airflow around the plants to prevent bacteria and rot. The average temperature in the Amazon, for instance, is about 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Depends how old the media is. We use cookies to ensure we give you the best experience on our website. See Oncidium orchids (warm section)for details of these. You can find a variety of pots specifically for orchids, such as net pots and clear plastic pots, at your local garden store. They can also sometimes grow on rocks. It’s also possible your orchid has sunburn due to too much direct sunlight. Related: How to Repot an Orchid: Step by Step Guide. This will vary depending on the exact species, even with the same genus. Again, you can get a meter to measure this. Monopodial orchids (like vandas and phalaenopsis) grow upright from one growing point, producing roots and sometimes offshoots (keiki) on either their stems or flower spikes. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! These plants should live in an area with at least 40 percent humidity, although humidity levels between 50 and 60 percent are ideal. I can't be sure, but to me it looks like the roots visible in your photos are mostly good - I would suspect there may be dead ones in the center of the mass. no, that's actually a perfect explanation for the roots, thank you! The Cattleya orchid on the right above has a linear growth pattern. They are predominantly epiphytes, but sometimes also lithophytes and terrestrial plants. Intermediate oncidiums love having night temp. This will often ensure similar lighting conditions. You might be over-watering it and causing root rot. When dividing Oncidium Alliance plants, always divide into parts with at least four (4) psuedobulbs. Sympodial orchids can grow in one of two different ways. This species is widely available and is great for beginners. Oncidiums require plenty of light, and although these orchids are more tolerant than other species, the light should be indirect. If you need to, you can increase humidity using a humidifier or humidity tray. You can use a variety of types of saws to divide … These are Zygopetalum, Dendrobium, Dendrofalenopsis, Cumbria, Fantasy Music, Black (Black) orchid, Oncidium … from Oncidium Alliance, Problem with browning leaves on Miltoniopsis and my other Oncidium Alliance chids, Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 1. With their natural habitat in mind, let’s break down each care aspect in a bit more detail. It takes a lot of resources for your plant to grow flowers, so it’s usually seasonal and you shouldn’t expect it to be in bloom all the time. Related: How to Propagate Orchids: Complete Care Guide. Two divisions of the plant are now available. This plant can stay in a 4 inch pot for 2-3 more years. A short video on repotting an Oncidium. Splitting an orchid into two or more parts is a propagation method that also sparks healthy new growth. Other methods such as cuttings and Keikis are uncommon. Dancing Lady orchids are usually epiphytes, depending on the variety. Use a 30-10-10 orchid fertilizer and dilute it to quarter to half strength. Propagation is the process of taking a cutting from a plant, or dividing the plant itself in half, and then planting this new cutting. Remember, the light filters through the treetops in the wild, rather than striking the plant directly. This may induce the plant to flower. (And How Can I Make It Happen? It is important not to trim the stems of the plant once the flowers have gone, as flowers often bloom on the same stems over and over. Also known as the Oncidium Alliance. Once you have in your hands a specimen sized orchid, sooner or later, you will need to divide it. Oncidiums don’t like too many minerals in their water, so distilled water is a good option. If you’re like most people you are probably wondering if it’s the right time to divide your Orchid. Sparingly, when pseudobulbs start to wrinkle, Medium-grade mix of 1:1 bark and sphagnum moss, Expose to cooler temperatures to encourage blooming, Weak 30-10-10 fertilizer, every 2 to 3 weeks, Remove old spikes and rotten pseudobulbs, when necessary. For Oncidiums, it’s best to pick a pot that’s slightly on the smaller side, as they prefer a snug fit. It is cross between Oncidium Jamie Sutton (Oncidium sotoanum x Oncidium anthocrene) and Oncidium Honolulu (Oncidium leuchochilum x Oncidium … Related: How to Water an Orchid: Care Guide. It’s fine for the temperature to drop a bit, however, as that will help the plants bloom. (And How Can I Make It Happen?). Plants with thin leaves will require slightly more water than those with water-retaining leaves. Related: How Often Do Orchids Bloom? When grown indoors, these plants can be placed in an east-, west-, or south-facing window. Odontoglossum and Oncidium intergeneric hybrids are comprised of a large group of orchids from many different genera. This will prevent the plant from wasting any further resources on them. Aug 5, 2019 - Orchid Care: Dividing and repotting Oncidium Orchids and similar Orchids. If you’d like to see all this in action, check out this great YouTube video from MissOrchidGirl: Here are some common questions about Oncidiums: Some species of Oncidium are easier to grow than others. Gardeners commonly use plant propagation for several reasons. Cymbidium orchids are beautiful, hardy, and easy to care for although there comes a time when they need to be divided & repotted. The easiest way to propagate a Dancing Lady orchid is by division, once it grows large enough. Need help with I.D. It really helps us out! Sympodial orchids (such as cattleyas and oncidium) grow on rhizomes and spread along the surface of the pot. Dividing & Repotting Your Cymbidium. As a result, you get more orchids. Divide, leaving 3 growths per each division. Wait until the plant has finished blooming, to avoid damaging it. I would soak the roots for a bit to make it easier to determine which roots are good. Repotting should be done after the growth season. You can use a standard household thermometer to measure this. That is why oncidium should be selected for each type of orchid own, special care. You can plant the fresh divisions in … Do you have any secrets or tips for growing Oncidiums? Because Oncidium orchids prefer to be in tighter pots, repotting should be done infrequently. If you’ve accidentally over-watered your orchid, you may find its pseudobulbs starting to go mushy and rotten. As epiphytic orchids, they absorb a lot of the moisture they need from humidity in the air, through their roots. This group of orchids used to be known as Odontoglossum (tiger orchids). We really like the Sharry Baby, which is sometimes called the “chocolate orchid” due to its scent. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Articles Published on December 31st, 1969 09:00 PM Number of Views: 22022 Categories: Cattleya; It is bound to happen. It is best to let the plant become large and overgrown in the pot before dividing. well, everything i've read says oncidiums are pretty hearty plants, so i think it will live through a repotting whether it was necessary or not. Remember, brassia orchids do not like to be disturbed by frequent repotting. Dividing orchids can be a scary thing, especially for orchid beginners. Remove older bulbs that have no foliage. 5-10 minutes should suffice. Related: How to Prune an Orchid: Step by Step Guide. Alternatively, you can keep your plant in one of the more humid rooms in your house, such as a kitchen or bathroom. Oncidium orchids, also commonly known as “Dancing Lady” orchids, are known for their vibrant colors and uniquely shaped flowers. Photo credit: orchidgalore via photopin and oncidium via photopin cc. 12. Many orchids will grow cold and tolerate light frost but if they are grown a bit warmer they will make stronger growths, more leads and better roots. To stop the rot spreading, you may need to remove the rotten pseudobulb. ... Orange Orchids Available Now. These are often combined with a thermometer, which is handy. Sterilize your tools with boiling water and alcohol, to avoid the risk of bacterial or fungal infections. If you find it useful we can do some on other genera. Oncidiums can be divided when there are 6 or more pseudobulbs. You can also use the “hand test” – on a bright, clear day, hold your hand about 12 inches away from the leaves of your plant. To judge whether your plant needs more water, you can look at the pseudobulbs. To water your orchid, immerse the pot in water until the potting medium is soaked through. Bear this in mind when choosing a potting mix. Related: Orchid Potting Mix: Care Guide & Information, Related: Best Orchid Pots: Beginner’s Buying Guide. Make sure the temperature stays above 55 degrees Fahrenheit. To divide these orchids, first unpot the plant and remove the potting mix from around its roots, as when repotting orchids. To get the best results from Oncidium, it is important to get the basics right. Oncidium orchids have thin roots so repotting is a very delicate job. As we’ll see later, a combination of bark and moss tends to work well. They should be repotted about once in every two years. This makes them very popular with orchid enthusiasts. These plants have extremely fragile roots, so take care when repotting an Oncidium orchid. You can use a sterile blade to help, but only when necessary. You can find them growing high in the Andes, and in the Amazon rainforest. PLUS, i learned all these interesting things about the root system, so definitely not a complete loss all around. The cutting sprouts and an entirely new plant is created. Oncidium. Along with the many hybrids these cool to warm growing orchids are one of the easiest of the epiphytic orchids to grow. Hey there! Phalaenopsis (Moth Orchid): Care Guide & Pictures, Cymbidium (Boat Orchid): Care Guide & Pictures, Vanda Orchids: Beginner’s Care Guide & Pictures. Instead, use a saw or spade to cut the plant into sections. Using a sharp blade, carefully cut the spike close to the pseudobulb. It’s event season! After the blooming season has finished, you can remove the old flowering spikes from your Oncidium. Any that are firm are good. If the shadow cast by your hand is clear and dark, you’ll know you have enough light to support an Oncidium. A mix of bark and sphagnum moss in equal quantities works best. To do this, carefully remove your orchid from its pot. Then, drain it thoroughly and make sure there is no standing water left. A short video on repotting an Oncidium. Dividing orchids means removing the plant from its current pot, cutting it into smaller parts and placing the parts in new pots. They are a popular choice, not only … goodness, i can't seem to get enough of you guys this week! How to Split Orchids. Oncidiums grow in the wild, primarily in jungles of Central and South America, and the West Indies. Osmunda fern fiber is another great option if you’re able to find it. They require lots of light, and you should take extra care when choosing a potting mix or repotting an Oncidium, due to their relatively fine roots. Leave a comment below and let us know! If a plant isn’t blooming, it can be exposed to slightly colder nighttime temperatures. The rule of thumb is to make the largest division practical, because the larger plants produce the best and most flowers. The roots should be allowed to nearly dry out between each watering session. Reviving an Old Cattleya Pseudobulb by . Oncidium Orchids are a colorful easy care group, sometimes referred to as 'Dancing Girl' Orchids. Orchid Board - Most Complete Orchid Forum on the web ! For blooming size plants, a minimum of 3 to 5 bulbs per division should be kept. Why Are My Plant’s Leaves Turning Yellow? Oncidium orchids, often abbreviated as Onc., is a popular genus of orchids that many green thumb gardeners love to care for. It's best to give it room for 2 years growth. i figure there have to be some good roots in that system to keep supporting a fairly large plant - four pseudobulbs and two new growths with leaves about a foot and a half to two feet. You can try to induce blooming by lowering the temperature at night, and by applying fertilizer. If you enjoyed this article, please share it using the buttons below. Dividing Orchids. This will diffuse the light, while still letting most of it through. Dividing orchids is a common way to propagate the plants and is fairly straightforward. Oncidium, abbreviated as Onc. This means that in the wild, they grow on trees by clinging to the bark. Check the roots to see whether this is the case, and make sure your pot and medium have sufficient drainage. So, you should aim to keep the temperature around 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. Bark should be replaced about every-other year. The conditions you provide should mimic this environment. If you want to check whether you’ve got this right, the most reliable way is to buy a light meter. When we get new plants, we don't know how old the media is, so it is generally recommended to repot new plants. The Oncidium orchid on the left above has a circular growth pattern. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Orchid Potting Mix: Care Guide & Information, Best Orchid Pots: Beginner’s Buying Guide, How to Repot an Orchid: Step by Step Guide, the flowers can last for a few weeks or even a few months, How Often Do Orchids Bloom? Because they generally grow with their roots exposed to the air, Dancing Lady orchids require specific watering routines so as not to rot the roots. If you’re still not sure, check out our article about this common issue for more detail. Dancing Lady orchids prefer warm temperatures. wetfeet101b. Be very careful not to damage the fragile roots. Just make sure to check the actual humidity, temperature, and light levels there, as this varies from home to home. In addition, you can give your plant some fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks, which will help provide it with the nutrients it needs. The oncidium orchid is often called “The Dancing Lady.” ... and have the same culture requirements as the Oncidium alliance. Again, use a sharp sterile blade to do this and be careful not to remove too much healthy tissue. There are over 300 species of oncidiums, but the most popular for home growers are the yellow or … Then, start dividing your orchid into pieces with at least 3 to 4 pseudobulbs per piece. It will grow in any direction and often puts out more than one new shoot each growth phase. I find that many beginners in orchids mistake old roots for bad roots. Check out our fertilizer guide for more detail on how to choose the right type of fertilizer and apply it correctly: Related: Orchid Fertilizer: Everything You Need to Know. Make sure the light is indirect. Check out our repotting guide to learn how to do this safely. thank you very much for the incredibly informative reply! Some species will even flower multiple times within the year. Whether or not a Complete loss all around mix or new Zealand sphagnum moss equal... 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